webinar – september 26th 2024

NIS2 is now
Secure & compliant

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NIS2 is now.

With only one month remaining until EU member states have to publish and implement their policy, the consequences of the NIS2-guideline are about to become a reality.

Yet the question of whether or not EU member states publish their policy on time isn’t as relevant as whether or not you as an organization are ready for the NIS2-guidelines.

After all, not only does NIS2 dictate new, stricter cybersecurity guidelines, but if European legislators can prove gross negligence, fines for both your company and you as the CEO of the company will be quite significant.

Are you ready for NIS2? And if not, do you know what steps to take to make sure you are? What role can Zero Trust play in NIS2 compliance?

On Thursday September 26th, join Tim Timmermans (CISO Netherlands ON2IT) and Marjolijn Klösters (Security & Privacy Officer ON2IT) as they delve into the specifics of NIS2.

Key topics

That will be discussed during this interactive session:

What is the NIS2-directive
And to whom does it apply.

NIS2 Compliance
How do you ensure NIS2 compliance based on Zero Trust.

Notification obligation
When and how to report an incident.

Practical security measures
How to translate NIS2 to practical security measures.

Don’t miss out if

Your organization must comply with NIS2.

You want to enhance your cybersecurity maturity with Zero Trust.

Date & Time

Thursday, September 26th
11AM EST (United states) / 4PM CEST (Europe)

The session will take place via Zoom and will take approximately 45 minutes. There is more than enough time to ask your most important questions.

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